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Utopia Talk / Movie Talk / Xmen. Days of... our lives...
The Children
Thu May 22 08:25:54
these r the voyages of da star ship future past. it continuin mission 2 boldly go ....

its out biatches. and UPs first impression is here.

this is da best xmen movie released. da shit that was xmen 3 has been completely eradicated. trust me. no spoilers but once u see this u will understand.

i include amongst xmen movies: wolverine, da wolverine (or whatever), first class. so yea this movies blows all previous away.

on a stand alone basis, this movie is pretty solid. not rockin omg best movie ever, nope. but enjoyable if ur bored and definitely beats godzilla by a mile.

da opening. shit i wish i hadnt watched da opening battle before da movie was released, but dayum whats done is done. it super good if u see it first time, but i already seen it several times so no surprises 4 me there.

story: so the future is dark, sentinals hunt down mutants and shit and kill m like droves. so in a bid 2 change da future, da xmen attempt one last trick.

on paper this is surely solid. on da screen it is not. in fact da story is like the weakest link imo. by itself, it is good. but once you see da ending and the whole movie, ur kinda left with a "wtf thats it" feeling. its the feeling of...i guess the story is just a bit 2 simplistic. i was expectin another baddie 2 show up, another twist 2 come up, another development or something. it never came.

da story at the beginnin also a bit weird...im still kinda left confused as 2 how they actually travel back and why they havent done it before.

da special effects r good. also, 2/3 of da movie takes place in 1973...which makes it kinda like first class...a bit shitty. other than that it is good.

da cast: dayum, solid cast, solid performances, good 2 see some returnin characters but basically this shit is again about wolverine...

da jokes in da movie r pretty weak. solid new introductions of new mutants.

overall this movie is definitely a major upgrade over previous ones. da shitstain of xmen 3 erased, possibly da best part.


The Children
Thu May 22 08:28:29
oh yea so basically openin part, real good. body part: slow..slower...boring...meh.

tail part: decent. not what expected. not a twist but just...the way the story developed was like different. bit disappoint. 2 simple u know.
Cherub Cow
Fri May 23 04:58:58
*not having read above*

Wow, so, I was really impressed. I thought that was a strong story; it was written with a long cast-list in mind but managed to keep the focus mainly on its original threat, which against movies like Mortal Kombat: Annihilation or even Marvel's own X-Men 3.. isn't easy. There were also a lot of good dialogue/monologue moments that were actually surprisingly moving for a Marvel movie. I thought Marvel had become incapable of that, but maybe not? Or maybe I was drunk. That happens sometimes.

(( Some SPOILERS Ahead ))

Time Travel Continuity
I know that time travel changes will probably be an issue for a lot of people, but personally I think this story was done in a way that's less abrasive than say, 2009's Star Trek. They used the classic time change trope where it's not entirely tangential because someone remembers the differences, and in this case it was an -active- character who will remember. In Star Trek it was pretty much only Spock carrying the canon, and he was outside the story. But in this X-Men we see that Wolverine gets the memory (and Professor X a little bit), which of course was where the gravity of the story takes hold. Basically I'm saying that even though they undid Jean and Scott's deaths, it's not like "lol! redo!" because a larger time travel continuity has been established... and more importantly, Wolverine got to have that happy/tragic moment at the end :p

Of course.. the other way to read this would be a blatant story manipulation. Marvel studios would have to know that Scott's random death in X-Men 3 was poorly done and a source of fan criticism that they can finally repair with this story. Plus, bringing back Jean lets them extend that Jean/Logan/Scott love triangle yet again. If you wanted to go even more meta, the entire "happy ending" conceit was maybe even -too- pleasing, where little was accomplished except fixing the things that people didn't like about the other movies (blatant fan service). —— I wouldn't agree with this second reading. Showing Apocalypse at the end means that the time travel door is still open.. and volatile. It means that this "happy ending" won't just be a perpetuation of the "immortal comic character" (like keeping favourite characters alive with endless re-do moments) — it'll instead mean that a difficult gateway has been opened. So the "happy ending" of this movie has to be seen in trilogy context — it was staging for a more difficult story.

Minor Sads :( (character decisions)
One of the ways that they limited distractions was by removing some of the peripheral characters featured in First Class. I thought this was mostly good, because in First Class the heroes, especially, were pretty meh. They were mostly the kind of second-hand mutants that never really had good stories or powers (and Banshee was the lamest of the lame). But.. Azazel's death was sad :( .. All that was shown was his autopsy photo. I thought they made him too cool in First Class to -not- set something up with Mystique, but then again, he had zero lines, so whatevs. Maybe Marvel is finally ready for the lesbian Destiny&Mystique match?

This raises other intended lineage questions too. Cable's being black and Jean being alive probably mean that Cable won't be Cyclops' son, so that'll be another story, maybe.. if they even tell it. Cable didn't have any lines in this, which was somewhat odd given his "hey! Cable is here meow!" past ;p
..I won't speculate too much on planned changes. With all the different Marvel story versions it's almost wasted thought.

(( End Spoilers ))

Yeah! Very good movie. But it was pretty difficult to avoid information before seeing this one! I knew pretty much nothing going in, despite all the clips Marvel leaked to the public.. have to avoid the hype.
So judging it on just the viewing, it was good stuff :p
Cherub Cow
Fri May 23 05:16:20
"im still kinda left confused as 2 how they actually travel back and why they havent done it before."

Yeah I'm not sure that they explained that. My understanding was that it was an unexpected development in Kitty Pryde's growing powers, so because she can phase through objects and extend her phasing ability for others, time travel would be the result of a concentrated dose of her power... a little bit of a stretch, but I think they confined it enough that it wasn't totally world-breaking.
Cherub Cow
Fri May 23 05:17:29
(and definitely a -development-; not used before because it had to be learned after controlling her powers for some time)
The Children
Fri May 23 05:23:52
my grief with teh story is how simplistic it was. it was touted as "time travel", "omg mindblowin twist after twist superstory" but 4 a time travel story, it was quite straightforward...

i can get that kitty evolved her powers 2 send someone back. just wondering why it then took that long, whole world gone 2 a basket, before they used that power. by the time they used it in the movie, they let us believe they already done it several times 2 escape da sentinals attack. and suddenly "waaaa im gonna send ya back 50 years no problem"

Cherub Cow
Fri May 23 05:53:06
It was definitely a simple story.. but I thought that was kind of nice. That simplicity might be what helped them clean up all of X-Men 3's convolutions and shorten the character list.
..So they had a simple goal (Mystique being fulcrum, stop her from triggering the sentinel program), but their interference made it worse, and at each step they only solidified the fated future because Mystique's choice hadn't actually been altered. So yeah, it was that one issue the entire time (Mystique), but they were able to put a lot of symbolic weight onto it with all that talk of the difficulty in changing one's own stubborn character and such..
I guess that can go either way, though. Simple versus simplistic here..

A little more background on the future would def have been cools. But once they were all together they explained that Bishop's mind wouldn't have survived longer time travel (hence Wolverine's role, stepping in for Xavier who was also too weak). I also think they showed Xavier scanning for mutant solutions when he discovered that Kitty had this particular power. So altogether: Kitty develops the new power, she uses it to survive in her group, Xavier scans for survivors and finds out about her skill, they visit, story starts. It does demand that Kitty develop the power just in time, but that fits the evolution themes so they can get away with that.

btw, someone on tumblr corrected my review. I confused time traveller Bishop with time traveller Cable — it was Bishop in the movie, not Cable. So.. forget that paragraph ;p
The Children
Fri May 23 06:32:18
ya its bishop...he only had like 2 lines throughout the movie so ur forgiven.

Damian DB
Fri May 23 06:36:08
just a note, this is not Marvel Studios, who made avengers and all those tie ins, this is Fox. the only reason Marvel is seen on the screen is because they are Marvel characters.

my biggest problem with the movie is it was being diven as the movie to tie all other movies together, but watching it I couldn't help but noticed several items that seemed to ignore things that happened in other movies, such as wolverines claws were bone at the end of The Wolverine.

Things I liked, Quicksilver was awesome, even loved the nod to the "magneto is my father" line.

I am glad x-men 3 was essentially wiped off the map, but how many other events stayed the same in this new timeline? I get the feeling we may never know. that is kind of odd because in the comics I love all the time travel xmen stuff...
Fri May 23 11:25:57
Quicksilver? I thought Fox wasn't able to use him because Marvel did it in Winter Soldier?

I mean, that was Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch as the "twins", was it not?
Fri May 23 15:07:32
It was.

And yeah, X-Men is Fox, not Marvel.

Will see this next week not reading your spoilers bye.
Fri May 23 16:56:50
Do we get to see Jennifer Lawrence naked?
Cherub Cow
Fri May 23 17:31:16
"this is not Marvel Studios ... this is Fox"

Oh cools. That makes a lot of sense, like for why they've kept the worlds separate. Definitely a good thing, btw

"Quicksilver was awesome"
Yeah! Looked like they dropped half the budget for his Pentagon scene ;D
Fri May 23 17:47:29
I'll take that as a no.
Damian DB
Fri May 23 18:00:24
well technically her character is never not naked..
Damian DB
Fri May 23 18:02:53
so Quicksilver is a weird in-between character. while he is a mutant and started with the brotherhood of evil mutants he shortly afterwards became an avenger, and one of the longest lasting ones up until decimation. so really both will use him, but Marvel Studios movies can't call him a mutant.
Fri May 23 18:56:31
"Marvel Studios movies can't call him a mutant."

This I know. But I thought that they couldn't share characters.
Cherub Cow
Fri May 23 19:11:12
Maybe it's like sharing needles. They can do it, but they'd like to avoid the risks?
Mon May 26 21:49:18
So I went and saw the movie.

1. I think the reason they used Bishop in the survivor group is because Bishop is able to absorb energy, so he is a natural fit to suffer less damage from Kitty's power.

2. I think the reason they were able to use Quicksilver as well as Marvel Entertainment is that they never called him Quicksilver. He was Peter Maximoff, Magneto's son. Different from Quicksilver the grown up superhero that joins the Avengers.

3. I don't know if it was Xavier "discovering Kitty and her new power" or if it was "they just abandoned their hide out, we need to figure out where they went: TO CEREBRO!" Either way, obviously X and Pryde's group got separated at one point; perhaps on purpose to minimize the possibility of everyone being captured/killed at once.

4. Kitty's time-brain-travel ability:
Kitty can phase people through objects. This is literally letting them phase through space. And space is inseparable from time. This is why they call it space-time. Thus, her ability to phase through space eventually bleeding over to the ability to phase through time, albeit in a very limited capacity, makes some sort of sense. This is how I interpreted it.

5. CC accidentally brought up Cable (when she meant Bishop), but this is a good point. Cable is the god damn time traveler that is sent back to try to fix the future. As Cyclops' son, this 2030s time period is the future he's supposed to be averting. As of this movie, Cable has no point. He isn't a time traveling badass with future plasma weapons because the future is already dandy. Does this mean no Cable? What about Cable's inescapable entanglement with their newest villain, Apocalypse? Or are they going to just introduce Cable in the (possibly never happening) Deadpool movie?
Cherub Cow
Mon May 26 23:45:16
I think there's still room for Cable in the current reality. All they have to do is introduce another screwed up future to fix, which would totally fit with Apocalypse being alerted to other mutants changing time. So one possible story: Cable comes back from the future and is like, "Heyz!! Why'd you save us from the sentinels? That may -my- life suck so much :(" and then he'd warn of Apocalypse, but too late, Apocalypse followed, then they introduce Dora the Explorer for the crossover. Yeah. Never run out of future ;)
Cherub Cow
Mon May 26 23:46:23
*That [made] -my- life
Tue May 27 00:24:15
Oh, I guess I didn't realize HOW far into the future Cable was from. Whoooooooooops.

Yeah, 4900 probably wasn't affected in this movie.
Cherub Cow
Thu May 29 02:01:20
forgot to ask this..: did anyone kind of think that Wolverine was about to be torn into pieces in that near-end scene? They really set up for it. Tricksy hobbits
Thu May 29 02:03:27
the 73 scene or the 2030 scene?
Cherub Cow
Thu May 29 02:06:14
I guess 73. At the stadium when Magneto has him in the air with the rebar twisted through him
Thu May 29 21:26:45
Yeah, I was totally expecting him to get shredded. Not just force pushed into oblivion.
Thu May 29 22:45:47
This fucking studio nonsense is bullshit. Marvel can't use its own fucking Spiderman in Avengers because Sony has film rights, and can't use its own fucking X-men because Fox has it. Fox is even putting out a shitty F4 reboot to keep those film rights from diverting to Marvel. Because of fucking God, Marvel could maybe make something good out of it, then a competitor is making money!

Suck a dick, Hollywood.
Thu May 29 22:49:11
Yeah, Marvel screwed themselves with some of those deals. And you know the studios sure as hell won't let Marvel borrow Spiderman for an Avengers (or Wolverine). Marvel won't let Sony borrow Iron Man for Spidey to fawn over for a movie (or, like, THE IRON FUCKING SPIDER). We probably won't see any x-men vs. avengers.
Cherub Cow
Thu May 29 22:51:15
Have to admit that Fox is doing better with X-Men than Marvel is with Avengers and stuff, but it's pretty hilarious that they've divided possession like this
"Yeah, I was totally expecting him to get shredded"
Defs! Magneto seemed devious right then, so I thought they'd be sewing Wolverine back together in the credits or something ;D
Cherub Cow
Thu May 29 22:51:46
btw, if they really do a Fantastic 4 reboot.. I wonder if it could be good?
Thu May 29 23:00:13
These last 2 X-men movies were good. But I'd still put Winter Soldier above them.
Cherub Cow
Thu May 29 23:13:49
I think I liked Days' theme moars than Winter Soldier (evolved future versus surveillance state), but Winter Soldier was definitely good. The second Thor was also really good.. seems like they've been steadily improving
Thu May 29 23:20:38
Wait, Thor 2 was good? I only considered it worth watching because it was Thor. Otherwise, I was not that impressed with Thor 2. Although if we're comparing Thor 2 to Thor, I guess it was an improvement.
Cherub Cow
Fri May 30 02:42:09
Well, Tom Hiddleston was good! But yeah, mostly I just mean in relation to Thor 1 :p
Wed Jun 25 01:49:07
Am I the only person who really sides with Magneto?

I mean, the idea that just giving people a second chance will make everything great is awesome, but its naive. War hawks would really just push for a utopia because one mutant saved VIPs from another mutant?

The same thing happened in '63. It didn't end the threat of genocide.

And genocide is what it is. The US administration, alongside Bolivar Trask, are literally Nazis. Targetting the X gene and perpetrating an international mass murder that would make Hitler cry in shame.

Magneto has seen what happens when you appease Nazis, and Xavier is an unrepentant Chamberlain.

Who created the Sentinels? The US admin, spurred by the assassination of Trask(but initially started because of the '63 incident, which mirrors the '73 one). So exterminate the US admin. Magneto had it right.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 25 02:27:12
That realism might be too Watchmen-ish for the mainstream, but would be very cool!
Fri Jun 27 11:14:18
Watched this finally.

Amazing! Loved almost every second of it, though the it did drag on at points.

Easily the best X-Men movie, and probably the best comic book movie to date. Really did a good job of integrating background characters fans can appreciate, handling action, time travel, and plot, and most importantly for an X-Men property involving Magneto and Xavier, it did a good job of showcasing their ideological differences and I don't think the movie ever really makes the viewer believe Magneto is wrong.

Thats an especially important point, IMO, as even if Xavier has the more popular/mainstream ideology (to us), Magneto was never really wrong in the comics. More to the point it has become perhaps THE central theme of the X-Men. That the 4 decades spent championing Xavier's dream were essentially wasted fighting Magneto, and that peace will never be had with mankind.
Jesse Malcolm Barack
Thu Jul 02 04:31:16

so is thiz shizz going to be any good? They must have cut it for a reason right?
Cherub Cow
Thu Jul 02 15:14:03
kewl! Not a fan of Anna Paquin's version of Rogue (preferred X-Men '90s TAS version), but I agree with pillz that DoFP was probably the best [Marvel] movie, so an extended version at least deserves a chance for me.. :p
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